
目前顯示的是 6月, 2019的文章

~~ 記錄自己點點滴滴的學習歷程 ~~

轉錄:Beaglebone Black 接上網路

If you power down the Beaglebone Black by unplugging its USB cable,  plug it back in (hence rebooting it) and connect via PuTTY and try the ping command again ... >>> ping Network is unreachable … you will find that the network is no longer reachable.  This is because the >>> /sbin/route add default gw command you entered earlier did not survive a reboot.  Just enter it again and the ping command should work. ---------------------------------------------------- >>> ping google.com The thing that translates names into IP addresses is called a nameserver  and we might as well use googles public nameservers to translate names into IP addresses for us.  You can, of course, use your own local nameservers if you wish. Nameservers are set in the /etc/resolv.conf file.  To add a few nameservers just edit the /etc/resolv.conf file (as root) using a command like >>> nano /etc/resolv.conf ↘↘↘↘↘↘↘↘↘↘↘ domain local...

Ananconda Conda Commands

使用 Anaconda 管理多個隔離的 Python 環境 1. 安裝anaconda 針對OS,選擇合適版本 windows安裝過程中需注意勾選將軟體加至"環境變數 path"    (即可在 cmd 運行 conda 指令) 2 .查看當前環境下已安裝的套件 查看在conda中已經安裝的包,會顯示套件名字和版本 -->  conda list 3. 建立 Python 虛擬環境 有兩種方法: -->  conda create -n env_name package-name e.g.1 <conda create -name py3 pandas> e.g.2 <conda create -name py2 python=2.5> -->  Anaconda Navigator GUI 建立新虛擬環境 4. 查看已建立的虛擬環境清單 -->  conda env list -->  Navigator GUI 中查看環境列表 5. 啟動/退出環境 -->  activate env_name  | 啟動某個已創建虛擬環境 -->  deactivate  | 退出已啟動虛擬環境 6. 在啟動某個環境中查看/安裝依賴庫 -->  conda list  | 查看已經安裝的庫 -->  conda install packagename  | 安裝某個庫 e.g. <conda install pyreadline> pyreadline 基於jupyter的程式自動補全庫,強烈推薦 7. 導出某個環境用於共享 對使用 conda 套件 將當前環境中的套件配置導出成yaml格式 建議在共享Python專案時提供該文檔即可一鍵安裝 -->  conda env export > env_name.yaml 通過外部導入配置當前虛擬環境 -->  conda env update -f=path/env_name.yaml 對使用 pip 套件 -->  pip f...